like usual
nothing's good in this entry
plus my grammatical english error
it's became the worst entry in the list of my entry...(i just dont want to be so down to earth)..sincerely its the worst in the world.....
dont know what to write
so i will merapu2 based on each of the picture
because i kan suka menulis, suka cakap merapu, suka berangan and suka syok sendiri
so i tak peduli
nak tulis jugak
why i choose this picture
you know just 5 min before i made this entry or maybe more, i make this picture as my cover photo in my fb
i make it because i want the whole people know that i lovvvvvve photography
since i take the photography class...before this i tak suka tau tak, sebab i tak pandai bergambar sangat and selalu nampak macam kayu depan kamera..bukan sebab i kurus tapi sebab i tak photogenic.
(so, sekarang dah photogenic ke?..hmm tak jugak photojelik je)
i thought photography is only about take some pictures with many style like peace style, back style (mean amik gambar nampak belakang badan je muka tak nampak), duck face style...and all sort of them...
but rupa-rupanya its about maaany things
its about what the thing you want to put in your picture and left out from your picture?..and also why, when, where, how,...bla bla bla...lengkapla 5w 1H tu...
and for me i want other people see what i see..means the story of the picture
tak nak cakap panjang2 pasal photography kat sinila...
nanti nak buat satu entry khas untuk photography
ni best
pasal makanan
ni cendol pulut dekat bawah jambatan, tepi jalan, kat changlun. sebelum ni aku ada pernah cakap changlun tak best kan...(jahat mulut aku)...ada jugak la yang best sebenarnya...makanan dia.
mee goreng
laparlah pulak
sebab laparlah aku tiba2 upload gambar makanan
td cakap pasal benda lain
lapar punya pasal terus malas nak cerita panjang pasal photography
ni bihun sup yang terbaaaaikkkkk dekat uum ni
pada aku la.
cop ni kuetiaw
tapi sama je, yang bezanya bihun, kuetiow atau mee dia...
harga 3 ringgit..ok kan?.murah.
aku selalu jahat kalau beli mesti mintak sup lebih, nak kaki ayam la, nak sambal lebih la....tapi harga still sama...hehe suka2
sebelum kita conclude this entry aku akan tinggalkan korang dengan perkara yang berfaedah sikit. rasa bersalah pulak korang dah spent masa korang untuk baca entry ni tapi tak dapat apa2 yang baik dan bermanfaat. wahhh ayat aku.
so don't sad sad ok:))
i am so sorry with the error in my grammar..
sincerely i do not know english well
and i always act as i do
terima kasih ye...(macam skema sangat)
tq beb:)))